Kanagawa Prefecture Health Support Program
Brain training rhythm exercises to enjoy "I can't do it"
What is Brain Training Rhythm Exercise?
It is a multitasking brain exercise in which you listen to music in groups and learn dance elements, finger movements, spot the mistakes, and reverse movements while watching and listening to them. By being with others, you can share what you "can't do" and also experience what it means to "be able to do it."
Exercise programme to improve working memory function
Memorise at least three different movements through sight and hearing. Based on the memory, the movements are repeated in sequence and in succession.
Working memory and everyday life
Working memory is the memory required for various daily activities such as cleaning, washing, cooking and dressing.
When working memory is impaired
Memory, judgement and performance are impaired
impair daily life.
Ways to strengthen working memoryGames: puzzles, calculation games, memorisation games, etc.
Exercise: walking, jogging, muscle training, etc.
Sleep: get a good night's sleepDiet: take nutrients that are good for brain health
Five cognitive functions.
1. executive function
Understandable (graspable)
Capable (processable)Challenging (meaningful)
2. judgment
The ability to pay attention to and sustain awareness gained through attention, choice, persistence and experience.
Awareness is episodic memory in which past experiences are remembered as good or bad through the five senses and emotions.
3. memory
Recognition, retention and reproduction
Inscription requires attention, concentration, motivation and decision-making.
Retention and regeneration are closely related to joints and muscles.
Emotions underpinning memory are responsibility, interest, concern and acceptance
4. language skills
Functions to understand the language of others and to communicate one's intentions in words
Essential function for communicating with others
5. calculation skills
Function to recognise and calculate numbersSuch as looking at a clock and knowing how much more time is left.
Empathize with what you can't do and experience what you can do
Brain training rhythm exercises to prevent dementia and brain training dance exercises to prevent lifestyle-related diseases!
Change the ‘I can't’ of everyday life into ‘I could’ and expand the possibilities for the future.
Brain Training Rhythmic Gymnastics and Brain Training Dance Exercise are exercise programmes that can be enjoyed according to age and physical fitness.
Brain Training Rhythm Exercises
For people in their 40s to 80s
Effective in preventing dementia
30-45 minute lessons
Can also be performed in a sitting position
Brain training dance exercises
For people in their 20s to 60s
Effective in preventing lifestyle-related diseases
30-45 minute lessons
Can be carried out in either a standing or seated position
Expected results
We provide exercise instruction based on the latest information and scientific evidence for preventing lifestyle-related diseases and dementia.
Stimulation of deep sensation of muscle-tendon joints
Stabilization of the autonomic nervous system
Improved procedural memory (memorizing actions)
Maintaining and improving working memory function
Improving resilience (ability to plan and achieve goals)
Improving self-efficacy
Moving your joints stimulates your brain
Moving your joints stimulates your brain
By evenly moving all 68 joints in the body, you can maintain and improve working memory function, which is closely related to procedural memory.
Turning "I can't" into "I can" and expanding possibilities for the future
Brain Training Rhythm Exercises and Brain Training Dance Exercises expand your possibilities for the future by accumulating small efforts that turn "I can't do it" in your daily life into "I can do it" and increasing your resilience and self-efficacy.